Program Descriptions

Ages: Birth – 1 year (non-walking) *Parent Participation Class
Length: 35 Minutes
Structured for: Co-Ed
The Wee Peas program is a movement based developmental program for babies who are not yet walking. Wee Peas is taught in a free flowing active learning class space. This group’s lesson planning is built around a series of Perpetual Weekly Activities. These activities are designed to provide physical, sensory, and social experiences for our littlest Sweet Peas. Wee Pea instructors are the keepers of the garden and are asked to:
- Set up safe, fun, and developmentally appropriate activities
- Explain each activity to the parents and how it relates to their baby’s development
- Teach parents how to safely guide their baby through the activities
- Facilitate social and emotional bonding between babies and parents
- Help parents understand that each child develops at their own unique pace and there is a wide window for when babies reach particular milestones.
- Celebrate wonderful milestones that are happening each week.
“1 PEA, 2 PEA, 3 PEA”
Ages: 1 year (walking) – 3 years *Parent Participation Class
Length: 35 Minutes
Structured for: Co-Ed
One, Two, and Three year olds are gaining independence but still need a little help from Mom and Dad! The 1,2,3 Pea program is designed to capitalize on the rapidly improving physical, cognitive, and language development of the early toddler years. The Sweet Peas program provides large motor skill and gross motor skill development with whole body activities in age appropriate circuits. These Sweet Peas will focus on:
- Running with developing synchronization
- Step hold and balance on alternate feet
- Rolling forward, sideways and backwards on a wedge with a spot
- Playing (or observing play): interactively structured games with other Sweet Pea classmates
- Sing and perform physical motions to familiar songs
- Introduced to concepts of recognition, compare and contrast, and distinction through use of basic shapes in equipment and learning resources used in class
“3 PEA & 4 PEA”
Ages: 3 years – 4 years *Must be potty trained and have the ability to work independently without guardian
Length: 45 Minutes
Structured for: Co-Ed
Three and four year olds are on the go, and ready to do class by themselves! These kiddos can run, hop, climb, throw a ball, and will work on increasing coordination to help make them faster and more deliberate. These Sweet Peas will develop cognitive growth and will learn how to interpret and remember objectives. These Sweet Peas will focus on:
- Running, building, swinging, and bouncing
- Forward, straddle, and backward rolls down a wedge and on the floor
- Learning to to tighten muscles and straighten legs
- Balancing skills on beam such as straight jumps, alternate kicking sequences
- Letter recognition, group counting, group singing, and increased differentiation of left and right
- Active learning, predictable structure, positive peer associations and successful independence from parents
We Also Offer Advanced Peas – Ask the front desk for more information
“4 PEA & 5 PEA”
Ages: 4 years – 5 years *must be potty trained and able to participate without guardian
Length: 45 Minutes
Structured for: Co-Ed
The Four and Five Peas want to do it all! They are starting to gain the physical and cognitive abilities to do great things. They can gallop, skip, move to counts, and run backwards. These kiddos can climb just about anything…which is why we’ll teach them how to play safely. These Sweet Peas will focus on:
- Cartwheels, handstands and straight leg table top
- Floor sequences combining rolls, jumps, lunges, turns and finish positions
- Properly counting and executing skills to music beats and claps
- Jump support and basic small swings on the bars
- Comprehension of detailed instructions and multiple tasks at once

“STARS Girls”
Ages: 6 years – 9.5 years
Length: 60 Minutes *encouraged to enroll in 2 classes per week.
Structured for: Girls
Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor…these girls are ready to learn some more! The AGA Stars program is a progressive learning module for girls ranging from the first through the fifth grade. Our (4 level) Stars curriculum introduces the fundamentals on all the Olympic events, plus strength training and flexibility. The Stars classes are perfect for the beginner gymnast, as well as intermediate level gymnastics. The AGA Stars gymnasts will focus on:
- Cartwheels, handstands and backbends
- Floor sequences combining rolls, jumps, lunges, turns and finish positions
- Introduction to proper rolling and flipping basics
- Basic small swings, casting, circling, and pull overs on the bars
- Learning bravery, leadership, and accountability
Ages: 10 years – 14 years
Length: 60 Minutes *encouraged to enroll in 2 classes per week.
Structured for: Girls
Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor…these girls are ready to learn some more! The AGA Champions program is a progressive learning module for girls ranging from the fifth through the ninth grade. Our (4 level) Stars and Champion curriculum introduces the fundamentals on all the Olympic events, plus strength training and flexibility. The Champions classes are perfect for the beginner gymnast, as well as intermediate level gymnastics. The AGA Champions gymnasts will focus on:
- Cartwheels, handstands and backbends
- Floor sequences combining rolls, jumps, lunges, turns and finish positions
- Introduction to proper rolling and flipping basics
- Basic small swings, casting, circling, and pull overs on the bars
- Learning bravery, leadership, and accountability

Ages: 6 years – 13 years
Length: 60 Minutes
Structured for: Boys
Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! The AGA Flip Zone program is perfect for boys ranging from the 1st grade through the seventh grade. Our (4 level) Flip Zone curriculum introduces the fundamentals of rolling, cartwheeling, swinging, and of course flipping! The Flip Zone classes are perfect for the energetic boy who wants to get strong and learn some cool flips…and for the Mom who wants him to to be safe. The AGA Flip Zone kiddos will focus on:
- Cartwheels, handstands and backbends
- Obstacle sequences combining speed, agility, climbing, and balance
- Introduction to proper rolling and flipping basics
- Basic small swings, casting, circling, and pull overs on the bars
- Learning bravery, leadership, and accountability
We Also Offer Mini Flippers – Ask the front desk for more information

Ages: 4 years – 6 years
Length: 90 Minutes, 2 training days per week
Structured for: Girls
They love adventure and can’t wait to learn ‘big girl’ skills! The AGA Hot Shot program is a progressive learning module for girls ranging from 4 to 6 years old. This kiddos are considered “Advanced 4/5/6 Peas” and must have a basic cartwheel, mini-handstand, and hold a backbend to join. The AGA Pre-Team programs (Hot Shots), are trained to execute basic gymnastics skills with precision and focus. These itty bitty kiddos are learning flexibility, core conditioning, and advanced fundamentals to prepare them for the USA Gymnastics competitive Levels 2 and 3. The AGA Hot Shot gymnasts will focus on:
- Cartwheels, handstands and backbends
- Core conditioning shaping: candlestick, pushup, chin hold, rope climb, hollow and arch hold
- Flexibility training
- Casting to horizontal, multiple circling elements connected, and pull overs on the bars
- Learning bravery, leadership, routine connections and accountability
Ages: 7 years – 10 years
Length: 120 Minutes, 2 training days per week
Structured for: Girls
These girls are hungry to learn ‘big girl’ skills! The AGA Super Shot program is a progressive learning module for girls ranging from 7 to 10 years old. This kiddos are considered “Advanced Stars Girls” and must have skips into a cartwheel, kick to a handstand on the wall, and a backbend kick over to join. The AGA Pre-Team programs (Hot Shots and Super Shots), are trained to execute basic gymnastics skills with precision and focus. These motivated kiddos are learning flexibility, core conditioning, and advanced fundamentals to prepare them for the USA Gymnastics competitive Level 3 or Xcel Bronze team. The AGA Super Shot gymnasts will focus on:
- Cartwheel step in, roundoff, handstands and back handspring prep
- Core conditioning shaping: candlestick, pushup, chin hold, rope climb, hollow and arch hold
- Flexibility training and elevated dance elements
- Casting to horizontal, multiple circling elements connected, and pull overs on the bars
- Learning bravery, leadership, routine connections and accountability
Ages: 10 years – 16 years
Length: 120 Minutes, 2 training days per week
Structured for: Girls
Did your daughter teach herself skills at home but wants to compete one day? The AGA Copper Team program is a progressive learning module for girls ranging from 10 to 16 years old. This girls are considered “Advanced Stars or Champions” and must have skips into a cartwheel, kick to a handstand on the wall, and a backbend to join. The AGA Pre-Team programs (Hot Shots, Super Shots, and Copper Team), are trained to execute basic gymnastics skills with precision and focus. These motivated kiddos are learning flexibility, core conditioning, and advanced fundamentals to prepare them for the USA Gymnastics competitive Xcel Bronze and Silver levels. This group is the perfect fit for girls who have some basic gymnastics skills and the motivation to compete one day. The AGA Copper gymnasts will focus on:
- Cartwheel step in, roundoff, handstands and back handspring prep
- Core conditioning shaping: candlestick, pushup, chin hold, rope climb, hollow and arch hold
- Flexibility training and elevated dance elements
- Casting to horizontal, multiple circling elements connected, and pull overs on the bars
- Learning bravery, leadership, routine connections and accountability

Ages: 5 years – 12 years
Length: 4 hours, 2 to 4 training days per week
Structured for: Girls
AGA Northwest is a professional club, enrolled in the USA Gymnastics competitive program. The first Developmental Training Program is called “Compulsories”. These gymnasts range from 5yrs to 12 years of age and perform at 5-6 meets per year, while training year round. These levels start at Level 2, and continue through Level 5. Once the gymnasts have advanced through level 5, they will continue training for the Optional program, or the Xcel Gold/Platinum program. These hard working, dedicated kiddos are learning advanced flexibility, skill specific conditioning, and advanced gymnastics skills to prepare them for the USA Gymnastics compulsory routines. These levels have the opportunity to qualify each season, for the Washington State Championships. Each of our competitive teams also participate in AGA’s “E-Fit” program (emotional fitness training). We truly believe in developing the ‘whole child’ and not just the gymnastics. The life skills our athletes learn will help them with school, friends, parent relationships, and their future. The AGA compulsory gymnasts will focus on:
- Advanced tumbling sequences
- Applying core conditioning to elevated skills
- Flexibility training and elevated dance elements
- Applying basic floor skills onto the high beams
- Learning constructed routines on each event
- Performing and competing
- Showing leadership, dedication, toughness, respect, kindness and accountability
Ages: 9 years – 18 years
Length: 3 hours, 2 to 4 training days per week
Structured for: Girls
AGA Northwest is a professional club, enrolled in the USA Gymnastics competitive program. The linear program to the Optional program is called “XCEL”. These gymnasts range from 9 yrs to 18 years of age and perform at 5-6 meets per year, while training year round. These levels start at Level Bronze, and continue through Level Diamond. The Xcel athletes perform using a different set of rules, allowing them to create and perform their own unique routines. These hard working kiddos are learning advanced flexibility, skill specific conditioning, and advanced gymnastics skills. These levels have the opportunity to qualify each season, for the Washington State Championships and Regional Championships. Each of our competitive teams also participate in AGA’s “E-Fit” program (emotional fitness training). We truly believe in developing the ‘whole child’ and not just the gymnastics. The life skills our athletes learn will help them with school, friends, parent relationships, and their future. The AGA compulsory gymnasts will focus on:
- Advanced tumbling sequences
- Applying core conditioning to elevated skills
- Flexibility training and elevated dance elements
- Applying basic floor skills onto the high beams
- Creating unique routines on each event
- Performing and competing
- Showing leadership, dedication, toughness, respect, kindness and accountability
Ages: 7 years – 18 years
Length: 4 hours, 4 to 5 training days per week
Structured for: Girls
AGA Northwest is a professional club, enrolled in the USA Gymnastics competitive program. The Advanced Junior Olympic Training Program is called “Optionals”. These gymnasts range from 7yrs to 18 years of age and perform at 6-8 meets per year, while training year round. These levels start at Level 6, and continue through Level 10. A gymnast must have advanced through level 5 to continue training for the Optional program. These hard working, dedicated kiddos master flexibility, skill specific conditioning, and advanced gymnastics skills to prepare them for their very own optional routines. These levels have the opportunity to qualify each season to the Washington State Championships, Regional Championships, and National Championships. Since 1989, AGA has helped secure 26 Full Athletic Gymnastics Scholarships to Division 1 Universities. We are proud to say, each of those gymnasts started in our recreational classes, and advanced within our program.
Each of our competitive teams also participate in AGA’s “E-Fit” program (emotional fitness training). We truly believe in developing the ‘whole child’ and not just the gymnastics. The life skills our athletes learn will help them with school, friends, parent relationships, and their future. The AGA Optional gymnasts will focus on:
- Their own advanced tumbling sequences, connecting bonus skills
- Applying core conditioning to elevated skills
- Flexibility training and elevated dance elements
- Applying advanced floor tumbling skills onto the high beams
- Creating routines on each event
- Performing and competing
- Showing leadership, dedication, toughness, respect, kindness and accountability